
Consultant in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology


Contacts and Clinics


Patients may self-refer, but it is essential to have an initial discussion with Dr. Thorley. Otherwise, it may be helpful to have a GP referral letter, and if claiming health insurance, this is usually an essential requirement.

Dr Thorley is registered with all the major health Insurance companies except BUPA. Patients are advised to always discuss a potential referral with their health insurers before making an appointment.

The cost of therapy is an important consideration and details of current fee levels can be obtained from Spire Outpatient Bookings on 0116 265 3685. To keep costs reasonable, Dr Thorley seeks to use the most effective therapies and aims to complete an intervention in the shortest possible time. His long and specialist experinence in working solely with young people ensures the best possible service.


Leicester (Spire Hospital)

The clinic is located within the Spire Hospital Gartree Road Oadby Leicester LE2 2FF. Clincs are Saturday mornings 9.30-12.30 PM and Friday afternoons 15.15-17.00. For  follow-up appointments please call the hospital outpatient department on 0116 265 0888 or for new patients, the Private Treatment Advisors on 0116 265 3021. Current waiting times are2-3 weeks for new patients.


Leicester (Holmfield Consulting Rooms)

This Clinic is located at No1 Holmfield Court, Holmfield Road, Stoneygate LE2 1SD

Clinic sessions are available on  Thursdays from 5.00PM - 7.00PM.

 Current waiting times are 1-2 weeks.

For  follow-up appointments, please call the  clinic reception on 0116 270 6841 Monday- Saturday. If unattended, please leave a voice message and we will return your call normally within the same day. Alternatively, please call 01780 678 558.

Please note, first time ie intial assesment appointments, should not be made at this clinic but at Spire Hospital after an intial discussion with Dr Thorley on 01780 678 558



Please contact Dr Thorley  on 01780 678558 or email gt@gthorley.com